Superpop 1979  
  Opens with jungle drums then rapidly falls into decline as Siouxsie exerts all her energy trying to sound cold and intriguing.  Instead she sounds as if she's fallen out of bed onto a monotonous dirge.  No wonder half the Banshees are fleeing.  1/5  


  NME 23/06/79  

I am led to understand that this is for release in Germany only, tho' it is to be available on UK import.  This is a version of their 'Metal Postcard' sung in the Fathertongue.  Why do their drums always sound like the bass section it atop some bloke's back, a la Don Partridge?  Oh I'm not being smart -  S & the B's are my very least favourite outfit and sound as plum pompous in German as the pain us with in Blighty.  I dare say it's all part of some Euro-Parliament drive.

The flipside - as Pete Murray was wont to say - captures for all time the famed 'Love In A Void'.  The romance crawls on.



  Sounds 22/09/79  
  Released for the benefit of dumb collection freaks.  Simply this is the song we all know and love from "The Scream".  Just why anyone other than a language buff wishes to listen to it sung in German is beyond me.  However (Ha ha, here comes the catch) the flip just happens to be "Love In A Void" (crafty old Polydor), a song that instantly gives me a loving memory of those 77 days of pinky beauty.  "Love In A Void" sounds a trifle dated these days but an old diamond is an old diamond is an old diamond.  A sneaky release.  


  Unknown source 1979  
  The Banshees German language version of "Metal Postcard" is more metallic, more ominous, more menacing than the LP's attractive track.  It doesn't make much difference what language Siouxsie sings in, she wails away without much attention to vowels or consonants, but she's tightened her voice here, cut out some of the Patti Smith thrills.  "Love In A Void" the B. Side, is sung in English (though the voice is mixed so far back it's hardly relevant) and is a noisier, cornier song.  A sort of commercialised Penetration, though Siouxsie can't match Pauline's power.